#105 - Florian Baumann - CTO, Dell Technologies (Automotive & AI)

#105 - Florian Baumann - CTO, Dell Technologies (Automotive & AI)

Autonomous driving is a big deal, and fuelled by the power of Artificial Intelligence, autonomous vehicles are closer to reality than they have ever been

If you have not been living under a rock the last few years, you know that autonomous driving is a big deal. 

Autonomous driving is widely considered to be one of the toughest problems to solve, and whilst there have been some blips on the way, the technology is evolving rapidly. This is thanks mainly to the rapid hardware and software advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Traditional automotive brands, large automotive suppliers, hundreds of autonomous driving startups powered by billions of dollars of venture capital; all of them are locked in a fascinating race to make safe and reliable autonomous driving a reality.

But how exactly does an AV come to life? What goes on behind the scenes to make a car intelligent enough to be able to drive itself?

My guest in this episode is Dr Florian Baumann. Florian is the CTO of Automotive & AI at Dell Technologies, and works closely with companies that operate in the Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Driving areas. He is a machine learning guru, with over 20 publications to his name, and his core areas of interest are image processing and visual recognition.

Today Florian takes us on a whirlwind tour of the AV development process, and a fascinating journey into how AI is powering the rapid evolution of autonomous driving technology. 

Photo by RayBay on Unsplash 

Photo by Aurélien Dockwiller on Unsplash

#106 - Reinhard Stolle - VP Engineering, AID Autonomous Intelligent Driving

#106 - Reinhard Stolle - VP Engineering, AID Autonomous Intelligent Driving

#104 - Paul Eichenberg - Chief Strategist - Part 2

#104 - Paul Eichenberg - Chief Strategist - Part 2